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Flat Washer
1/32" #3 flat washer
Hole Diameter: 9/64", Diameter: 29/64", Thickness: 1/32
NAS1149CN532R Flat Washer
Hole Diameter: 13/64", cadmium
Hole Diameter: 1/4", Diameter: 1/2", Thickness: 1/8",
Size: 3/8", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)
Size: 7/16", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy, annodized finish
Size: 1/2", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)
Size: 1/2", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3) - annodized finish (gray colored)
flat washer
Size: 1/2", thickness 1/16", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)
Size: 9/16", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)
Hole Diameter: 37/64", Diameter: 1-5/64", Thickness: 1/64
Flat Washer
Size: 5/8", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)
Size: 5/8", thickness 1/16", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)
Hole Diameter: 15/64", Diameter: 41/64", Thickness: 1/16
Flat Washer
Size: 3/4", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy
Size: 3/4", thickness 0.090", aluminum alloy (2024-t3)"
Hole Diameter: 7/8", Diameter: 1-1/2", Thickness: 1/64
Size: 7/8", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3) - annodized finish (gray colored)
Hole Diameter: 57/64", Diameter: 1-33/64", Thickness: 1/32
Hole Diameter: 57/64", Diameter: 1-33/64", Thickness: 3/32
Size: 7/8", thickness 0.090", aluminum alloy (2024-t3) - annodized finish (gray colored)
Hole Diameter: 1-1/64", Diameter: 1-49/64", Thickness: 1/64
Size: 1", thickness 1/64", aluminum alloy (2024-t3), chemical treated finish (gold colored)
Hole Diameter: 1-1/64", Diameter: 1-49/64", Thickness: 1/32
Hole Diameter: 1-1/64", Diameter: 1-49/64", Thickness: 3/32", NAS1149 series washer
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inner diameter: 7/8", thickness 1/32" - corrosion resistant steel, passivated finish, NAS1149 series washer

size: 3/8", plain, high strength, cadmium plated alloy steel, MS20002 series washer

aluminum alloy, hole diameter: 0.143", overall diameter: 0.267", thickness .032